HIPRA sponsored the 5th annual conference of the CPSU
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HIPRA sponsored the 5th annual conference of the CPSU

On 2 April, the HIPRA was present as gold sponsor at the 5th Annual Conference of the Portuguese Council of Udder Health (CPSU) held in Espinho (Portugal). About 50 veterinarians interested in the quality of milk were present for all over the country.

As in previous years this edition was marked by a relaxed discussion between guest speakers and participants on various important topics in the area of milk quality in Portugal: animal welfare and mastitis, milk quality monitoring and their assessment tools, immunology, pharmacology and others.

HIPRA sponsored two lectures, with Tom Greenham, from Lambert Leonard and May and Precision Milking (specialist in udder health consultancy). In the first presentation Tom shared his experience with the use of computer programs in the CCS management, reinforcing the importance of data analysis to detect a problem, identify causes and risk factors that help in the implementation of appropriate corrective measures. In the second presentation were discussed the parameters that we use to monitor and evaluate a milk quality program related to hygiene and safety, milk constituents, health and welfare and production efficiency. In both presentations, Tom used practical case studies to explain its point of view that were highly valued by veterinarians.

The CPSU consists of a group of veterinarians associated with interest in the collection and sharing of technical and scientific knowledge on the subject of mastitis in ruminants. The main objective is to create a growing awareness of the issue of Milk Quality and Health Udder of Portuguese farms, uniting the veterinary class around a new working group, to serve as a platform for communication between clinicians, technicians, producers, industry and interested in general in the area.

Supporting CPSU, HIPRA reinforces its commitment to improving milk quality in Portugal and close bonds of relationship with veterinarians dedicated or interested in the quality of milk.