HIPRA, premium partner at the WORLD BUIATRIC CONGRESS 2016 in Dublin
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HIPRA, premium partner at the WORLD BUIATRIC CONGRESS 2016 in Dublin

HIPRA was in Dublin from 3rd to 7th July for the World Buiatric Congress, in which it was participating as a Premium Partner. During the week, the company offered its customers various exclusive activities under the heading “Move to Vaccination”.



On the occasion of the 29th WBC in Dublin, HIPRA invited over 250 people to participate in an exclusive technical event that was held on 3rd July last in one of the most iconic places in Dublin, The Royal Hospital Kilmainham. Under the heading “Move to Vaccination”, the event was divided into two technical sessions: one on mastitis and the other on respiratory disease.

The session on mastitis took the form of a “round table” and involved international experts such as Andrew Bradley, Zhijun Cao, Ynte Schukken, John Middleton, Paolo Moroni and Marcos Veiga. For almost two hours, the opinion leaders discussed and shared their views on the past, present and future of mastitis. The audience for the respiratory session was able to share in the experiences of three of the most renowned opinion leaders in this field: Christopher Chase, Edouard Timsit and Simon Timmermans, who focussed their presentations on the future of vaccination of feeder cattle as a means of reducing the use of antibiotics.

During the congress, HIPRA was at the centre of attention with its “move to vaccination” campaign and the activities organised at each of its two stands designed for the occasion. During the week, over 20 certified HIPRA UNIVERSITY courses were held which were attended by about 500 delegates and which took place at a stand that was specially designed for training activities. Another of the key activities which took place at the corporate stand was the meetings with opinion leaders in mastitis and respiratory and reproductive diseases entitled “Me to Me”, which attracted a large number of participants to each of the meetings.

With these initiatives, HIPRA demonstrates and strengthens its commitment to continued training and the spread of knowledge between bovine health professionals throughout the world and consolidates its position as the reference in prevention for animal health.