HIPRA organizes the 1st Brazilian Mastitis Expert Committee
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HIPRA organizes the 1st Brazilian Mastitis Expert Committee

The event hold in Campinas (Brazil) on 7th of March was a great success, with expert representatives from the most important dairy areas. The Brazilian experts returned to their home countries with a backpack full of fresh knowledge and their colleague’s experience about milk quality and mastitis prevention.

HIPRA sponsored two of the lectures with Luis Pinho, recognised expert in Mastitis from Portugal. In the first lecture Luis Pinho as president of the CPSU (Udder Health Council of Portugal) detailed the origin and evolution of this well recognised organisation, where HIPRA has been from the beginning a preferred partner.

In the second Lecture he explained the management of the milk quality in Portugal. Both lectures very focused in the prevention and the proactive attitude to control mastitis and were followed by interactive presentations from the participants of the committee where the mastitis prevalence of the different geographical areas of Brazil was discussed.

These lectures reinforce the idea that Staphylococcus aureus is the main pathogen in most of the Brazilian farms. The Brazilian Mastitis Expert Committee is a working group of expert involved in Milk Quality that pretends to become a reference organisation on milk quality and from a practical perspective to generate discussions about how to improve the milk quality in Brazil. Supporting this Committee, HIPRA reinforces its commitment to improving milk quality in Brazil.